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leveling branch中文是什么意思

用"leveling branch"造句"leveling branch"怎么读"leveling branch" in a sentence


  • 支水准路线


  • On installation of inside organization of second - level branch
  • There are four characteristics of the evolution of tidal creek as follows : ( 1 ) in the initial stages , tidal creek develops by continuous eroding trace to the source and depriving of the top of other tidal creeks . ( 2 ) the transverse moving of tidal creek occur mostly in the lower part , the middle part and the outlet take second place , and the upper part is more stability . ( 3 ) the different level branches of tidal creek transform into each other in the whole evolution course
    潮沟的演变具有以下特点: ( 1 )潮沟在形成初期,不断进行溯源侵蚀和袭夺以扩大集水面积而发展壮大, ( 2 )潮沟的侧向移动主要发生在潮沟的下段,中段和口门次之,上段最为稳定( 3 )不同级别的支潮沟之间处在不断地相互转化过程之中。
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